How can I confirm my access to DAT iQ Benchmark?
Access to DAT iQ Benchmark is available to brokers with a RateView Combo Premium subscription. If you're unsure about your access, please reach out to your account manager for assistance.
What rates are used in DAT iQ Benchmark?
DAT's Best Fit Rate - this provides the most accurate and relevant rates for your needs. This rate is determined by factoring in both area and time frame. If data is available, it may reflect a 3-day rate from one city to another. If sufficient data isn’t available, the system expands the parameters—such as using a 7-day rate from a city to a market—to ensure you receive the most reliable rate possible.
What are the primary use cases for DAT iQ Benchmark?
- Managerial Reporting: Gain insights into how your company’s rates compare to the RateView benchmark, whether they are X% above or below.
- Tactical Analysis: Identify high-impact areas such as the top lanes or carriers exceeding benchmarks, focusing on metrics like Delta Cost or dollars over benchmark. This analysis can also be applied across dimensions such as state, city, office number, shipper, or planner name.
How are Spot and Contract Rates defined in DAT iQ Benchmark?
Spot and Contract rates are defined using the contribution file field you specify for these categories. If no designation is provided, rates will default to spot for brokers. This ensures consistency and accuracy in how rates are categorized within the platform.
Are the rates in DAT iQ Benchmark My Buy or Sell rates?
DAT iQ Benchmark reports your buy rates, which reflect what you spend on carriers.
What should I do if my data looks incorrect in DAT iQ Benchmark?
- Add or replace data: Simply send the updated data file. We will add or overwrite records based on the load ID.
- Large files: For files larger than 60,000 records, please split them into smaller files of less than 60,000 records each before submitting.
- Adding or removing fields: Contact your account manager to collaborate with our Data Operations team. They will guide you through the process and request a sample file to initiate the mapping process.
Why does the Shipper filter have different or missing data, I know we are sending it?
The Shipper filter displays data based on the Shipper field from your contribution files. If data appears missing or inconsistent, here are three ways to address it:
- Swapping Customer and Shipper Fields: If you currently send both Customer and Shipper fields but want the data swapped, you can update the mapping on your end and resend all historical records.
- Using Customer Data for the Shipper Filter: If you only send a Customer Name field and want those values displayed in the Shipper Name filter, we’ll update our mapping accordingly. Once that’s done, you can resend your historical records.
- Adding a Shipper Field: If you currently send only one field (e.g., Customer) and want to add a separate Shipper field, send us a sample file with the additional field. This allows us to update our mapping before you send historical or recurring files.
What is the difference between Equipment Type and Equipment Details in the load level data download?
- Equipment Type: This is the DAT-standardized type that we mapped your data to.
- Equipment Details: This reflects the raw data provided directly by you, without any modifications.