Knowing where you are overspending can help you identify why and if the cost is justified or not.

  1. From Benchmark Analytics, select the timeframe you are interested in evaluating.
  2. The data and charts will update to that specific timeframe (eg. 6 months). Red indicates areas that I am most above the benchmark (average) broker’s data, showing me areas that I can improve on. Click on one of the red dots to see more specific information.
  3. The data and charts will now apply that filter and display on data for the ‘dot’ you selected. In this case, I clicked on the Load Origin state of Utah. I can see now that loads coming out of Utah are costing me 29.1% more than the benchmark for this state. I can also see that this is based off of 35 loads and is only 1 carrier.
  4. Scroll down to the Carrier Details section to view the carrier in question and how much you are spending on them compared to the benchmark.
  5. I can now see the carrier name (blocked out here), how much the benchmark is ($44k) and how much I spent on this carrier ($57k). I am spending $13k more (Delta Cost) in the last 6 months than the average broker is.

Note: The Delta Cost is calculated by comparing the Company Buy Cost (the broker's expense for carriers in this lane) with the RateView Buy Cost (the average broker's expense in this lane). The difference, or delta, represents the potential savings for the broker.